See What's Inside

From Voice Memo 2 Demo


From Voice Memo to Demo is the ONLY course designed for non-techy songwriters who want to learn how to record their own music (minus the scary techno-babble!)


Finally, you can confidently produce your music even if you donā€™t play an instrument, andĀ have never recorded before!

See What's Inside

From Voice Memo 2 Demo

Learn everything you need to know to produce, mix and master your first demo so that you start making music right away!

All Levels WelcomeĀ 

Perfect for students at all levels-beginners, intermediates,Ā & advanced alike!

Simple & FunĀ 

The most fun you'll have while learning to produce your own music from home!

2500+Happy StudentsĀ 

Join a community of thriving artists and producers from all over the world!


Hello Fellow Musician!


When it comes to hiring other producers to produce your music, have you ever felt like youā€™re handing over your musical baby to someone who just doesnā€™t understand your vision?


You end up spending a ton of money, waiting forever on the producers schedule, and then when you get your track back... it sounds nothing like you imagined.


Maybe then you decide to take matters into your own hands, and learn how to produce, but then you run into the ā€œtech sideā€ of things, and diving into production software feels like youā€™re trying to decode an alien language. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


If this sounds familiar, you're not alone.


So many brilliant artists feel just out of their depth, drowning in confusion, and frankly, a bit intimidated by all the dials, buttons, and terms that sound like they belong in a NASA control room.


But what if I told you thereā€™s a way to bypass all that frustration, confusion, and disappointment?Ā 

A way to truly take the reins of your music production, without needing to decode rocket science or empty your pockets on producers who just donā€™t get it?Ā 

Welcome to "From Voice Memo to Demo" (FM2D) - the everything youĀ need to transform your song sketches into polished, radio-ready music that sounds exactly like you envisioned, or heck, even better!


Imagine this: You, taking your raw, beautiful ideas and turning them into music that not only resonates with you but also stands ready to wow the world.Ā 

And the best part?Ā 

You do it all on your terms, in your space, without needing to rely on anyone else.Ā 


Ā From Voice Memo 2 Demo

From Voice Memo to Demo is the ONLY course designed for non-techy songwriters who want to learn how to record their own music (minus the scary techno-babble!)

You can lean on easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial videos so you can confidently produce your music even if you donā€™t play an instrument, and have never recorded before!

Getting Lost in Tech OverwhelmĀ 

No more feeling lost in a sea of knobs, dials, and software. FM2D makes producing your music simple, fun, and achievable.

Unfinished Tracks ThatĀ Don't Get Heard

No more unfinished projects that end up on the ā€œhard drive graveyardā€! In FM2D, Iā€™ll show you how to bring those ideas to life, from start to finish.

Paying Producers Who Donā€™t Get It

No more investing in producers who donā€™tĀ get your vision! Now you can finally produce the musicĀ you hear in your head!


Here's What's Inside

Module 1

Setting Up Your DAW


Dive headfirst into the DAW universe with 10 snackable lessons that'll have you zipping around like a pro. Say adios to tech-induced headaches as you get the lowdown on preferences, buffering, templates, gainstaging, and importing your jams. Itā€™s your first step to bidding farewell to those sessions that never saw the light of day!

Module 2

Building a Foundation for Your Song


This module is your treasure chest, loaded with goodies to kick your progress into hyperdrive. Snag those downloadable PDFs for a crystal-clear vision on acing your home studio setup, and let the video lessons guide you through birthing your ideas into existence. Get ready to track like you mean it and drum program with swagger, all while unlocking the hit songwriter within. Your tunes are about to echo through your space, bringing your inner soundscape to life.

Module 3

Ear Candy, Epic Transitions, and Vocal Production


Craving that sprinkle of magic you hear in all the chart-toppers? You're in the right place! Master the art of jaw-dropping transitions, irresistible ear candy, and hooky melodic riffs thatā€™ll make tracking and producing vocals a breeze. Your tracks are about to become irresistible earworms, ready to conquer playlists and hearts alike.

Module 4

Mix Your Tracks Like a Boss


Unpack the secrets to EQ, compression, and mixing thatā€™ll transform your melodies and beats from bedroom demos to bona fide bangers. This module is where your tracks get that polish and sheen, making everything sing in harmony. You're about to leave "amateur hour" in the dust, stepping into the realm of sonic pros.

Module 5

Mastering Your Final Mix


Congratulations, youā€™ve hit the homestretch! It's time to unravel the mysteries of mastering, ensuring your tracks arenā€™t just finished, but are glowing, ready to rub shoulders with the industryā€™s best. You'll wield the power to elevate your song to Olympian heights, all on your own. Get set to pitch, share, and flaunt your masterpiece with the world.


The P.LAB Nation Facebook group is bustling with thousands of home studio bosses, just like you, who are empowering themselves by producing from home.

Have a question?

Stuck on a module?

Want feedback on your music?

Just post in the Facebook group, and our trusty alumni, coaches, and community manager will be there to help you out!

YES!! Iā€™m Ready Produce My Own Music

This is for you if you want to learn how toā€¦

  • Take control of your own music, so you never have to worry about, rely on, or pay a producer who just doesnā€™t get your vision.

  • Learn how to simplify the music production process so that you never again get overwhelmed or frustrated trying to make your music.

  • Use your production skills to monetize your art so that you can quit that 9-5 and become a profitable money-making musician.

Hey,Ā I'm Kris Bradley!

I'm a singer-songwriter, producer, entrepreneur, bookworm and cat mom from Los Angeles, CA.Ā My music has been featured on Fox, USA Network, Freeform, Samsung, Miramax, Lincoln, and I've been commissioned by over 300+ clients worldwide... But it wasnā€™t always this way...Ā 


For years I struggled to make a living as a songwriter, doing everything from touring, to bar gigs, to bartending, to playing on the streets as a ā€œbuskerā€.


After nearly blowing my voice out from all the constant gigging (and screaming over loud rowdy bar crowds to take drink orders), I realized, this lifestyle was NOT sustainable, and I turned to producing from home so I could have more control over my music, and find other ways to make money that werenā€™t so exhausting!Ā But hereā€™s the dealā€¦.


Learning how to produce was extremely challenging for me as Iā€™m the LEAST tech-savvy person youā€™ve ever met ā€¦So Iā€™d spend hours going down the YouTube rabbit hole, pulling my hair out troubleshooting even the most BASIC stuff, like not being able to hear my mic or guitarā€¦ šŸ„“


All I wanted was a step-by-step system for HOW to actually produce my music, but I never found one, soĀ  Iā€™ve created the very step-by-step training I was looking for all these years.


If you're a singer-songwriter that's ready to learn how to produce your own music, I'm your girl because...I'm a singer who gets producing from a songwriter's perspective, and my specialty is simplifying and demystifying music production.


Discover the remarkable journey of our students from basic "rough worktapes" to polished, fully finished productions after completing the course!

Note: listen all the way through to the end to hear both before and afteršŸ‘‚šŸ»


See how "From VoiceĀ Memo 2 Demo"Ā 
stacks up againstĀ free videos, other courses,Ā andĀ evenĀ music school!

If you're ready to learn how to produce the EASY way, click the button below to sign up!

One Time Payment



Your enrollment comes with a full 7-day money-back guarantee, no strings attached.


Why seven days? Because that's just the right amount of time for you to dive in, start experiencing those quick wins, and collect a few "a-ha" moments along the way. From the moment you sign up, you'll get instant access to everything the course has to offer. Give it a whirl, and if by day 7 you don't feel like it's making music production a breeze, just shoot an email to my team. We'll refund your investment, no questions asked.